Chat With Your Data - A Practical Guide to Production RAG Applications

Jeff Capobianco • Location: Theater 7 • Back to Haystack 2024

At Moody’s, we went from a laptop prototype to a premium-subscription RAG product in under 6 months. Our users’ workflows have been accelerated by the Research Assistant’s ability to synthesize responses to freeform questions without hallucination.

In this talk we will share lessons that we learned the hard way, so you can avoid similar pitfalls when setting up your chunk embedding infrastructure, using AI to measure response relevance, blending relevance with recency, managing costs, and organizing your teams.

By the end, you will have the tools to build a strategy for RAG applications with real business impact.

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Jeff Capobianco


Jeff's journey into search began with a background in data engineering. After his first project tuning search relevance, he was hooked. Jeff’s philosophy centers around thoughtful analytics, meticulous measurement, and bold experimentation. Currently, Jeff is the Product Manager of Search for In this role, he is helping to drive the evolution of the rapidly growing semantic search platform, as well as the site’s main search experience.