Women of Search present Comparing AI-Augmented Information Retrieval Strategies
Audrey Lorberfeld • Location: Theater 5 • Back to Haystack 2024
This multi-speaker talk will trace the life of a query through various AI-powered information retrieval strategies that are gaining traction in the search field today. Technical experts from the Women of Search community will discuss AI-driven IR techniques such as fine-tuning ML models, constructing sophisticated RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) pipelines, and reranking methods. They will provide an in-depth analysis of the advantages and limitations of each strategy, with a focus on identifying the optimal use cases for each. We invite you to join us for what promises to be an educational and inspiring presentation.
Followed by Q&A on both the talk and the Women of Search initiative.
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Audrey Lorberfeld
PineconeAudrey comes to the search world from the Library Science field, where she specialized in creating and managing digital collections for research and art libraries. She has worked at IBM, Shopify, Reddit, and now Pinecone as a software engineer, with brief stints as a data scientist and developer advocate. She dedicates her free time to leading the Women of Search group, hiking with her rescue pups, and exploring the new place she calls home: Berkeley, California.