Ansgar was unable to make it to the conference. #— #layout: talk_haystack2022 #permalink: /us2022/talk-14/ #title: Personalisation of Search Results for Ad Traffic with Embeddings #talk_slot: 11 #track: 2 #talk_time: “2:15-3:00pm EDT” #location: “Theater 7” #day: 2 #categories: #- us2022 #speaker: Ansgar Gruene #speaker_company: GetYourGuide ##slides: /files/slides/haystack2021/Wajnsztok-HaystackConf_2021-09-29_OLXs_Journey_to_a_Relevant_Search.pdf #speaker_headshot: /img/headshots/haystack2022/ansgar.jpg #speaker_bio: Ansgar Gruene, Ph. D., is a Senior Data Scientist at GetYourGuide in Berlin. His work focuses on ML approaches to improve the users search and discovery experience on the platform. He holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Computer Science and has several years of experience as Backend Engineer and Data Scientist in the travel industry. #excerpt: “This talk describes how we apply embeddings to improve the discovery experience for users who find their way to GetYourGuide by clicking on external ads. Here, embeddings are semantic vector representations of our product inventory. Our implementation is based on Elasticsearch infrastructure and a Word2Vec embedding trained on user journeys.” #embedvideo: #video: #image: #— #This talk describes how we apply embeddings to improve the discovery experience for users who find their way to GetYourGuide by clicking on external ads. Here, embeddings are semantic vector representations of our product inventory. Our implementation is based on Elasticsearch infrastructure and a Word2Vec embedding trained on user journeys.